Summer Program
So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11-13
Fundamentals of faith schedule
FUNdamentals of Faith

This program is created for you and your child to enter into some great conversations about our faith. We have provided a video of topics to discuss a long with other resources. We encourage you to set a side time to spend with your family digging deeper into God's word. You are the biggest influence in your child's life and now more then ever its important to know what we believe and why. Along with the lesson we have included songs, discussion questions, and activities. It is our hope that you enjoy this time together and make it a FUN time of learning and growing together as a family in faith.

Kelli Rossi
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Sin and Salvation

Week 1

Click here for the resources.

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The Word

Week 2

Click here for the resources.

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Week 3

Click here for the resources.

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Family Fun Night

Week 4

Outside Option:

Take a hike; explore a new walking path, or just take a stroll around the neighborhood

Inside Option:

Create a fort with furniture, blankets and pillows Make a bowl of popcorn & get cozy

What to talk about?

Use this time to disciple and dig deeper into conversations about the Lord Talk about God’s beautiful creation & how much He cares personally for our lives Ask questions to see what’s on your child's hearts and minds and tell them how to seek comfort in the Lord through God’s promises and prayer Make it exciting with a trivia game; use the discussion points from the past few weeks More than anything; enjoy them!

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Baptism and Communion

Week 5

Click here for the resources.

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Week 6

Click here for the resources.

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Week 7

Click here for the resources.

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Family Fun Night

Week 8

Outside Option:

Backyard Fire with s’mores
Sing songs of praise
Look up at the stars and give God the glory for all things
Pray together

Inside Option:

Makes oven s’mores (see recipe) or cookies (even the ready bake ones are fun).
A time in the kitchen, working side by side talking creates warm memories
Sitting around the table and enjoying the fruits of your labor is the perfect time to talk

What to talk about?

Use this time to disciple and dig deeper into conversations about the Lord what do they think of Baptism and Communion. (See what they remember, repetition is very important for kids.) Talk about different ways to worship Ask questions to see what’s on their hearts and minds and tell them how God wants to hear all about it and they can do this by praying. Make it exciting with a trivia game; use the discussion points from the past few weeks More than anything; enjoy them! Resources for Review: Smores Recipe

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Armor of God

Week 9

Click here for the resources.

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The Church

Week 10

Click here for the resources.

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Week 11

Click here for the resources.

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Family Fun Night

Week 12

Outside Option:

Go for a drive and out for ice cream
Review things you have talked about over the summer
Share your story

Inside Option:

Ice Cream sundaes with all different kinds of toppings
Review things you have talked about over the summer
Share your story

What to talk about?

Use this time to discipline and dig deeper into conversations about the Lord, ask what do they think of The Good News. (See what they remember, repetition is very important for kids.) Talk about different ways to worship Ask them to share their story; maybe their earliest memory of Jesus in their life. Make it exciting with a trivia game; use the discussion points from the past few weeks More than anything; enjoy them! Resources for Review: Resource Link